Terms & Conditions

Our Terms & Conditions

  • We agree to provide User with the services put forth at the time of signup and User agrees to abide by the conditions made below. The User agrees that this service is a paid service and any service rendered by Hakka Broadband to User shall be in subsistence provided all payments towards use of the service have been done at all times.

    All charges towards services are fixed and All payments should be made within 7 days of the starting of /renewal of the service failing which the connection will be disabled without any prior notice Hakka Broadband offers no warranty's regarding the service. We do not guarantee that the service will be uninterrupted or error free. Hakka Broadband does not exercise any control whatsoever over the content of information that is passed through this service. All usage will be governed by Regulations set by the Govt of India and Hakka Broadband will have to abide by any new regulation passed by the Government with regards to Internet Usage which the User will have to abide by. User shall assume all responsibility for all content distributed, accessed, or viewed while connected to our service. Under no circumstance shall Hakka Broadband be held liable for your actions while you are using the service. in the event of any lawful authority asking for any information, we may provide any and all information that they request of us to them.

    1.We provide speeds at 1:3 contention ratio and all speeds are as per Broadband terms. User agrees that Hakka Broadband, our agents, our providers, or employees be liable for any damages under no circumstances, which result in any way from user's use or inability to use the service or any part thereof. This includes all direct and indirect damages. special, punitive or consequential damages that may result from busy signals, errors. delays in the service. deletion of files. viruses, theft, or alteration of a user's computer. In the event that Hakka Broadband is found liable under any circumstance under the terms of this agreement, the liability shall be limited to the unused balance of user's subscription payment pro-rated to reflect the current term.

  • 2.Hakka Broadband will provide 24*7 help desk support to its users. In case User requires on site trouble shooting, field engineers will be available for service only between 10am to 7pm. Any unresolved complaint will be attended next working day.

  • 3.User represents to us that he or she is 18 years of age or older, User understands that certain materials available from Service provided under the terms of this Agreement may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 18. User agrees that accessing any unedited materials some of which are sexually explicit or may be o"ensive,is at User Risk only Hakka Broadband has no control over and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for such materials. We reserve the right to cancel Service for any reason without prior notice. In the event that a user's service lS cancelled by us for a reason outside of our terms of service. we will refund the user the unused portion of that month's service at the time of cancellation.

  • 4.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, tempora laboriosam porro fugit debitis, dolorem natus assumenda facilis in ut reiciendis laborum sapiente minima libero quas praesentium ex rerum eos. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptates nulla porro commodi.

  • 5.Payments made towards Installation charges are not refundable under any circumstances In the event of non-usage of service for more than 3 months, registration charges of Rs 500/-will be applicable on renewal of service. In case User wishes to shift his connection to another Hakka Broadband feasible location. charges Rs 500/- will have to be borne by User. Service Package once renewed will not be cancelled nor will any refunds/ compensation be made on paid charges. Information transmitted through us and through the Internet in general is not confidential. We can not and shall not guarantee privacy or protection of any User. We reserve the right to monitor any User's transmissions when deemed necessary for providing proper service and/or to protect the rights and property of our company.

For Data Limit Plans, the connection will be deactivated automatically on expiry of the data limit Hakka Broadband will not use or sell your email address or personal data to any 3rd party. with the exception that if Hakka Broadband sells the majority of its assets or business, it may provide this data to the purchaser of the business so that they can continue providing service to the Hakka Broadband end users.This is a pre paid service. Any payments for services rendered is due before the beginning of user cycle and should be settled in full before the beginning of cycle. Any payments not done for sen/ices rendered shall be liable for interest as per company policy. If a cheque is returned unpaid, Hakka Broadband reserves the right to charge penalty to such user along with such interest as is deemed fit. if due to any disputes as above if service is interrupted, Please direct all billing disputes to our billing department. If User wishes to cancel service, intimation of the same should be given to Hakka Broadband before the beginning of Billing cycle failing which payment for the full cycle will due from User. We do not over prorated refunds.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the India without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. Any cause of action User may have with respect to the Service must be commenced within one (i) month after the claim or cause of action arises or such claim or cause of action is barred. We shall not be liable or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement or interruption of service resulting directly or indirectly from acts of God civil or military authority, acts of public enemy, war, riots. civil disturbances, insurrections. accidents, dire, explosions, earthquakes, floods. the elements, strikes. labor disputes. shortages of suitable parts. materials, labor or transportation or any cause beyond our reasonable control. Jurisdiction for litigation of any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of, in connection with. or in relation to this Agreement, or the breach thereof shall be Thane only. In any action between us and User to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement. We shall be entitled to recover expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees.

In the event of any violation of the above terms and conditions of using our service, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account immediately, without notice. If you do not wish to be bound by the below terms and conditions of using our service, then you may not access the service.